CONDENSER VENT KIT Tumble dryer condensor kit 4 " Hose diameter avoids external venting prevents humidity and dust from entering the room This Kit enables you to use your tumble dryer without the need to vent externally. The unit is compatible with ALL makes and models of tumble dryer. Simply fill the container half-full with cold water and empty after use. Includes 102mm diameter hose & condenser box Prevents humidity and dust from entering the room Easily assembled kit using a self extinguishing hose Built-in air separator within the tank to ensure efficient condensing of vapour Provision for wall mounting Avoids external venting Suitable for: Use on most dryers for Internal condenser
please note: This unit is not recomended for gas tumle dryers. Some form of ventilation is required for this unit to operate efficiently,as does a condensor dryer. no need for external venting allows your dryer to be located anywere in the home JUST FILL WITH COLD WATER (NO ICE REQUIRED) included in kit VENT TUB & LID HOSE 4" X 1.2M UNIVERSAL ADAPTOR SIZE W 13CM L 28CM H 12CM